How to Jump Higher – Vertical Jump Training Tips

Jump Higher - LeBron JamesYou’ve seen Jordan and LeBron jump higher and dunk over their opponents.  As they run back on defense they give a stare down at the opponent they just postered.  It’s one of the most perfect and glorious moments in basketball.  But behind all that glory is a great deal of hard work! There is no question both players are very gifted with their athletic abilities.  But they and the majority of players don’t depend only on their talent.  They put in hour after hour of hard work and practice to improve their skills.  Most of us, of course, don’t have the means to hire personal coaches to increase our skills as the pros do.  So here are a few tips that will help increase your vertical jump and allow you to jump higher.

Track Your Vertical Jumping Progress

Begin your training by getting the starting point of where you are currently in order to track your progress; this is the initial step of your training to jump higher and increase your vertical.

Jump Higher
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

How to Measure Your Initial Vertical Jump

Get a chalk or a permanent marker and a ladder.

  • Look for a wall or pole that is high enough so when you jump, you will not be able to touch its top.
  • Stand near the wall or pole and then spread your arm as high as possible above your head. This is your vertical extent. Get a partner to put a mark on your vertical extent with either a permanent marker or a piece of chalk.
  • Then from your initial standing point, jump and touch the wall or pole as high as you can.  Have your partner climb the ladder and mark how high you were able to jump.
  • Finally, measure how far between your jumping extent and your standing reach.  This is your current vertical jump.

Tips on How to Jump Higher

Warming Up
You should first warm up your muscles before conducting any physical activity or even before stretching.  Jumping rope for a few minutes, which increases the flow of blood in your muscles, is a great way of warming up.

Training programs to increase your vertical and allow you to jump higher come in phases.  Phases are necessary because while you are proceeding with the training program, your muscles will adapt to the strength of the workout, which in turn will increase your load of work and continue improving your vertical jump allowing you to jump higher.

Keep Track of Your Progress
Make sure to record your progress as you go through each phase.  By measuring your progress, you will be able to see how the training program is working and what specific activities your muscles have reacted to well.

Self Training Exercises

Below are several exercises you can perform on your own to improve your vertical and jump higher.  Some of the activities listed below are more advanced.  Consult with your doctor before proceeding with any exercises and make sure you are fit to proceed with any of the following activities.

Jumping Rope

According to WebMd, jumping rope is a great calorie-burner and muscle toner. You’d have to run an eight-minute mile to work off more calories than you’d burn jumping rope.  “It’s certainly good for the heart,” says Peter Schulman, MD, associate professor, Cardiology/Pulmonary Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington. “It strengthens the upper and lower body and burns a lot of calories in a short time, but other considerations will determine if it’s appropriate for an individual.”  To properly jump rope, visit WebMd’s page and follow the recommended steps.

Lateral Plyometric Jumps

According to Verywell Fit, Lateral plyometric jumps are advanced exercises that can be used to develop power and agility.  While most people focus on forward motion, it’s important to include exercises that generate power and stability during lateral motion exercises as well.  This benefits a wide range of athletes.  You can visit and see if this an exercise you wish to do.

Single-Leg Lateral Jumps

This is similar to lateral jumps but only the use of a single leg performs it.

Tuck Jumps

Tuck JumpsAccording to Worldwide Lifestyles, If you want strong leg muscles, hamstrings and calves then you should add tuck jumps exercise into your daily routine. Because one of the key benefits of tuck jumps is that it helps to build stronger leg muscles.  Tuck jumps involve sliding into a relaxed squat and then hopping as high as you can attempting to touch your knees to your chest.  It is a difficult yet effective plyometric practice that takes the squat jumps to another phase.  For those people who do not know what plyometric practice means, they should know that a plyometric practice or plyometric exercise means an exercise that involves a rapid contracting and stretching of muscles repeatedly.

High-Reach Jumps

High-reach jumps are similar to tuck jumps but rather than taking your knees to your chest; you only reach as high as possible. This is best performed near a wall or under a basketball rim for you to measure how much lower your extent becomes as you get exhausted.  Try to acquire a similar vertical extent through all your repetition.

Slow Motion Squats

This exercise involves standing while your feet are shoulder-width apart.  From this spot, gradually lower down till you get in a deep squat, ensuring that your heels are plainly on the ground.  Hold for two seconds before rising progressively back to the initial point.  The squat and rise should each take four seconds to complete.  During the whole exercise ensure that you keep your back straight and your head up.

Vertical Jump Training Programs

If you’d rather use a Vertical Jump Training Program then we recommend using Vert Shock.  It was created by 2 guys, pro baller Adam Folker and the world’s highest dunker Justin Darlington.  If you’ve never heard of Justin Darlington, he has a vertical leap of over 50.1″ and has invented a bunch of dunks nobody else can do.  Their program using a 3-Step (phase) program will allow you to jump higher by 9 – 15 inches within 8 weeks.  Is Vert Shock legit?  Yes, and it has benefited many who have gone through their vertical jump training program.  Click here or on the image below to take a look at their program and testimonials.

Jumping is an essential skill that every athlete and player should have.  Increasing your muscle strength and using proper techniques are essential to achieving that goal.  You can do some exercises on your own to obtain those goals.  Otherwise, it may be best to follow a proven program like Vert Shock to increase your vertical jump and jump higher.

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